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What proxy IP is suitable for SEO business?


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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the English abbreviation of search engine optimization. It is a technology and process that uses search engine rules to improve the natural ranking of a website in relevant search engines. The purpose of SEO is to occupy a leading position in the industry and gain brand benefits.
Proxy IP types suitable for SEO business include:
Residential Proxy: Routes internet traffic through a real residential IP address, making it highly trusted by search engines. Help localize search engine optimization (SEO) efforts as they can help collect location-specific data and access region-restricted websites.
Datacenter Proxy: Non-residential IP addresses from a datacenter provider that provide fast and reliable connections, suitable for tasks that require speed, such as keyword ranking tracking or web scraping.
Dynamic Rotating Proxy: Automatically switches between different IP addresses at regular intervals, helping to prevent IP blocking and allowing anonymous browsing, which is useful for accessing competitor websites or running multiple accounts.

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