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How to register multiple Facebook accounts using a proxy


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First, we need to understand what an agent is. A proxy is a tool that allows us to access the Internet through a middleman, forwarding our requests to the target website. By using proxies we can simulate different geographical locations and IP addresses.


Step 1: Choose the right proxy service provider

Before starting to register multiple Facebook accounts, we need to choose a reliable proxy service provider. There are many proxy service providers to choose from, but we need to make sure we choose one with a stable connection and high-speed network. In addition, we also need to ensure that the IP address provided by the proxy service provider is clean and has not been blacklisted.

Step 2: Set up proxy

Once we have selected a proxy service provider, the next step is to set up the proxy. In most cases, the proxy service provider will provide a client software for us to download and install. With this client software, we can easily connect to the proxy server and choose the IP address and geographical location to use.

Step 3: Clear browser cache and cookies

Before registering multiple Facebook accounts, we need to clear the browser's cache and cookies. This is because Facebook uses this information to identify our devices and accounts. By clearing our browser cache and cookies, we can eliminate this identifying information and better hide our true identity.

Step 4: Register a Facebook account

Now, we are ready to register multiple Facebook accounts. Connect to the Facebook website through the proxy and follow the registration process filling in the required information. Please note that during the registration process we require a different email address and mobile phone number. This is because Facebook associates this information with our account.

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