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How account take­over happens


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Account takeover causes online identity theft, when criminals steal personal information stored in online accounts. With stolen accounts and information, hackers can for example buy goods with your credit card or take loans in your name. To take over your accounts, hackers need your pass­word and user­name. Here are 5 ways they can steal them.


1. Stealing login credentials through data breaches

Billions of records of personal information are stolen in data breaches every year. The leaked pass­words and user­names are often just what hackers need to commit account take­over. Because most people use the same login details on multiple accounts, hackers will try to access other online services with the same leaked pass­words and user­names.

2. Breaking in with a computer-generated pass­word

Hackers can break in by simply trying out different pass­words to find the one you use. To speed up the process they use programs that can test tens of billions of pass­words — in a second. This way any 8-character pass­word can be discovered in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

3. Phishing for login information

Criminals can also just ask victims for their login details. This is done through phishing scams, in which unsuspecting victims are lured into giving their data. Phishing attempts can be done through emails, SMS, scam web­sites, malicious phone applications, chat conversations, phone calls and so on.

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